Jeez, I think I've blogged about nearly every route I've ridden around here.
It was a super nice day today. Sunny, 60's, low wind. The Quickie Blue Fixie has been getting the vast majority of ride time, since I nearly exclusively use it for my 'partial' commute, and early spring weather here has been cold, wet and generally crappy for the most part.
Time to break out the Quickbeam. It's been still for quite some time, since I didn't want to drag it out into the weather and I'm certainly not ready to use it for commuter trips. Pumped up the tires, and out the door!
Today it was North through Persia (gateway to the Loess Hills) and Porstmouth, east on 44 towards Harlan, turn South on county road through Tennant (favorite wide spot in the road), Shelby, then back West towards Minden. The run is flat through Portsmouth, the rest is rolling hills. Of course I detour on the Old Stone Arch Trail through Shelby, which is a nice diversion and I always stop at the end where I cross over a trestle bridge into a picnic area...good place to stop, rest, water up, and water the grass :>)
I did take a couple of pics of the Quickbeam, the bridge, etc. It's not like you haven't seen them before, plus I'm feeling a bit lazy and I haven't downloaded them off my phone. I did send them via airwaves and cell phone tower to my wife and daughter...hey guys, wish you were here. My kid always tells me "Nice bike, Dad!"
A few more horns than usual. Probably because it was a nice day, busier Saturday traffic as opposed to Sunday, and maybe I was moving a bit slower than usual. Most times, I do a pretty good job of pacing the traffic at highway speeds :>) I always give honking drivers a big wave, and yes, I use all my fingers. Hah!
Got a bit of sun today, on my face and legs. Starting to work on that biker tan. You know, face, neck, arms from the wrists (riding gloves, you know) up to the sleeve, legs below the shorts and above the socks.
I've been trying to commute at least a couple of times a week. I'm usually on the trail all by myself in the morning. I've seen maybe one or two other bikes on the trail, more runners in the morning than bikers and usually across the Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge. Me and QBF are really familar now, still a great commuter bike...reliable, steady, no surprises.
Best to take advantage of the weather whilst it's nice. Get out and ride!
And now, for a brief musical interlude...