Next on my to-do list was crown race installation. I want to show you the special tools I used for that particular operation:
Yup, mallet and flat-bladed screwdriver. I've heard folks using pieces of iron pipe, PVC tubing, etc. but I saw a YouTube demonstration of a crown race installation using this method.
I carefully tapped around the circumference of the crown race using the screwdriver as a punch, pushing down one side, then the other until the race was fully seated. No problems!
All that was left was reassembly. I used my digital calipers to measure the depth of my star-fangled nut installation (15mm), threaded the steerer tube bolt in and tapped it with my mallet until I reached the proper depth. Then install the lower bearing, fork, upper bearing assembly, headset spacers, stem, bolt and headset cap and tighten the headset bolt until the bearing are properly preloaded. Position the handlebars, tighten the stem bolts, and finished!

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