Thursday, the temperature was bumping up against 50 degrees.
That's balmy, this time of year. Of course, I managed to sneak out of work early. Me and Ramby managed to get 20 miles in.
Today, it's 3.
I'm patiently waiting for spring...oh so patiently. In the meantime, there are a couple of projects in the works. Of course, the Ramby needs a bit of a tune-up. I noticed the rear wheel needs a bit of truing, and I made a few rear derailleur adjustments. My 10mm solid rear axle and axle nuts arrived for the Juice. If you recall, I had an issue with the rear hub moving in the dropouts when I torqued down hard on my pedals. But first, I had to try my brute force method, clamping down on my QR as tight as I could.
It seems to have worked. I rode the Juice around town a couple of nights ago and no axle movement. However, I'm not certain that this will be a long term, reliable solution. Eventually (and certainly before Leadville, if that ever comes to fruition) the new axle is going in.
There are a few other bikes that need my attention. With the Ramby on-line, the Schwinns are certainly feeling neglected. Another project I've been toying with is a wheelbuild for the Turquoise Tempo, once I decide on a wheel/hub configuration. And it's been awhile since the LeTour's been out.
Right now, the wife and I are bundling up and heading for Des Moines to eat a bit of Chick-Fil-A, amongst other things. It's good to get outta Dodge every once in a while.
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